I attempt to throw little girls bash every year. Before too long my girls will decide they are too old for theme parties, and just want sleepovers with popcorn, candy, and pillow fights. Until then, the closet party planner in me says: “Let the themes continue!”
This year the theme was Fancy Nancy. There are a plethora of ideas online for Fancy Nancy Tea Parties, but since the girls had already had two tea parties on the docket for the year, I racked my brain for another party idea. When I saw the book, Ooh La La! It’s Beauty Day I knew a Spa Party was the way to go.
I’ve outlined the steps I took. I’ve also provided opportunities throughout this post to access free PDF printables for download.
What You Need
- Invitation
- Door Decor
- Spa Stations
- Glam Options
- Themed Take-Home Bags

I created a cute invitation design using free images then I uploaded the design to Paperless Post to send out my invitations via email. By the way, I love this online invitation platform! I know there are a few different choices out there. But I always go back to Paperless Post whether it’s for a backyard BBQ invite, a kid’s party, a baby shower, a bridal shower or even a wedding invitation. I can go as casual or as formal as I want. I can use and customize my own designs or choose from their collections. And there are plenty of free options!
Door Decor

The Dollar Store was great here. I used my color printer to print out an 8 1/2 x 11 welcome on card stock for the front door then accentuated it with butterfly wings and a feather boa.
If you want a larger size you may want to consider an engineer print at an office supply store.
Spa Stations
I chose to create five (5) stations:
- Facials
- Manicure
- Pedicure
- Hair & Makeup
- “Get Fancy” Boutique
The girls were randomly put into groups to rotate through the stations. Their group was determined by numbered flip-flops they individually chose out of a bucket. The day’s spa schedule was also placed out to read.

Flip-Flop Selection and Spa Schedule
For the Facials Station, I made a banana oatmeal mask which the girls could either apply to each other while reclining in bean bag chairs in front of the fireplace or their mother’s could apply the mask. I supplied an apron for the adult at each station. The mask was removed with a warm moist towel. The towels were kept warm in a crockpot of lavender oil-water.
Facial Station

I had a list of non-toxic nail polish colors to choose from for the Manicure Station. The natural nail polish remover smelled good enough to eat!
There was an assortment of polishes for the Moms too. I set up a folding tray table, a couple of chairs, and a rolling cart for this station – all of which I had on hand already.

The Pedicure Station was set up with a baby tub for soaking toes and little step stools on either side to sit on. The foot soak was warm water and Tea Tree Oil crystals. After the girl’s toes were dried, their feet were massaged with Burt’s Bees Clary Sage Lotion. A little of this stuff goes a long way. A jar will last me six months easy. I find it so calming! The polish of their choice was then applied.

Hair & Makeup
Hair & Makeup was set up together. I hooked a full-length mirror over a closet door, set a swivel stool in front of the mirror for the girls to sit on and Mom’s did hair accessories and/or hair chalk along with a little non-toxic makeup.

After all the girls went through their spa stations, there was also a Boutique set up where they could select from an assortment of necklaces, sunglasses, boas, leas, princess crowns, and rings to “get fancy”.

Thank You
To say Thank-you to our friends for coming, I put together little gift bags, labeled with their names. The bags held their fancies they’d collected throughout the day, some emery boards, and it also contained Fancy Nancy crafts to do at home, including a personalized place-mat for each girl to color and then laminate.

That’s Au Revoir for now. Next year I may try an Alice In Wonderland theme; the idea of a twist on the theme intrigues me. Stay tuned! And scroll down for an opportunity to download many of the prints I designed to use in your own Stupendous Fancy Nancy Spa Party!